Who is KIPA?

Keystone International Preparatory Academy (KIPA) is a team of diverse professionals. We have a passion for creating supportive living and learning environments that foster the educational success of international students.

All team members and partners are dedicated to the core values of Caring, Sharing, and Connecting.  We acknowledge one another as equals and respect our differences.  We recognize these differences as unique opportunities for integration, growth, and competitive advantage.

Peggy Phillips

Peggy is a business professional with 21 years of living and working experience in Asia. She spent 13 years in China working for a Pittsburgh based global corporation.

She has extensive experience on leadership teams starting new businesses, hiring, training, developing business processes and establishing community relations.

She has hosted and mentored young people in her homes both in Shanghai and in Pittsburgh. In every case, they have excelled in English language skills and cultural awareness, advancing their opportunities and earning power.

With her wealth of international experience, she knows how to challenge young people to discover their unique gifts and their potential in this big changing world.


Deanna Hritz
Director of Student Life

Deanna is an artist, educator, and social activist with a wealth of experience working with adolescents.

She has traveled extensively and lived in S. Korea. Her years of cross-cultural experiences make her ideally suited to understanding the nuances of adjusting to a new country and the cultural differences our students will face.

She mentors international high school students, has hosted high school and college students as a homestay parent and facilitated an English conversation group at the University of Pittsburgh. Deanna serves as liaison between student, host family, school, and international agency. As well as assuring that your child’s needs are being met.


Virginia Robson
ESL Instructor

Virginia holds a MA in Applied Linguistics, a TESOL certificate, and an undergraduate degree in English Literature with a minor in Economics. She is currently an ESL Instructor in the University of Pittsburgh’s Linguistics Department. Her focus is content and integrated learning (CLIL).

Virginia recently returned to Pittsburgh after 12 years as part of the English and General Studies faculty of Fujairah Colleges in the United Arab Emirates.  She also taught English for 4 years in Shandong, China, and has authored numerous publications and presentations.

She speaks German and has studied Chinese.


Mark Petrovich
ESL Instructor

Mark holds an MA TESOL (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)

Mark graduated from IUP in 1993 with a Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). He has taught in Hungary, Spain, Turkey and the U.S. While in Turkey he taught at Istanbul Technical University for five years, focusing on academic writing and TOEFL skills. He also served as curriculum coordinator and academic skills instructor at Istanbul Bilgi University.

He is currently an ESL instructor at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, PA. Previously he taught at Washington & Jefferson University at their English Language Institute. He has also designed and run English learning programs for young people, combining formal training with skills activities.

Mark’s professional interests include curriculum development and technology in education.

He speaks Turkish fluently and worked in cinema, radio and television while living in Turkey.


Dr. Ellen Cavanaugh
STEM Summer Instructor

Dr. Ellen Cavanaugh is a leader in STEM Education in Western Pennsylvania.  Her students have partnered with mentors from every major University in the area and science and technology start-ups.  Examples include: Molecular Gastronomist enthusiasts, the MG Kids, worked with Dr. Das of the Das lab at CMU university for a recent episode of their YouTube channel; a local high school senior partnered with Dr. Teri Denkovich of Folia Water to write a children’s book about her silver nanoparticle infused paper; two eleven-year-olds just finished a collaboration with about the Ayoob lab at the University of Pittsburgh Computational Biology Department on research into the genetics of fruit flies.  She has coached students in competitive robotics, CAD Design contests, science fairs, and engineering competitions. Her team of five students from Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic were the national winners of the Verizon Innovative App Competition.

She shares: “I live at the intersection of mathematics (originally trained as a math teacher), entrepreneurship, theology, and education. I am driven to explore what brings meaning to life. My passion is for every child in our world to thrive. I believe the most important resource each child has is you, their parent. May we together Grow a Generation of innovative, critical thinking collaborators, emotionally intelligent and resilient, with great leadership and vision.”


Ruijin Zheng
China Liaison Director

Ruijin “Ahlai” Zheng graduated from China’s Fujian Normal University, where she later became a professor, with a Bachelor of Education degree.   

Ahlai was the famous Fujian Province “No. 9” national basketball league competitor. She also competed on their national track team. Her love of young people made her a popular teacher, and basketball and track coach.   Her career in sports and education has been recognized by the Fujian Ministry of Culture and Education with whom she has maintains a close relationship.

Ahlai is skilled in “healthy body, healthy mind” practices, which include being a yoga master, Tai Chi, massage, and acupuncture practitioner.

After moving to Colorado in the United States, Ahlai organized and participated in marathons, bicycle races, and community awareness projects.  She became a hotelier serving guests from all around the world.   

Ahlai’s vast multi-national experience has honed her bridge-building strengths and cross-cultural skills. Her energetic creative personality has made her a highly sought-after child mentor. This outgoing style helps her connect with students, allowing her to help them adapt, integrate and seize opportunities in a new country.

Ahlai also loves cooking regional dishes and is an accomplished jewelry maker.